1. Mission

We are an educational community, built on the foundation of catholic values, which helps parents cultivate their sons in an international academic environment. Our community is distinguished by being challenging and kind, through the acquisition of personal character formation that fosters the sincere search for truth, the pursuit of good, appreciation of beauty, and dealing with emotions in order to attain a life full of happiness and satisfaction through the commitment to help others.

2. Vision

To forge accomplished young men and boys who live Catholic virtues, able to succeed in the best universities of the world, to deal with situations that they encounter in life through an open-minded approach, to serve their fellow citizens, and to contribute to the solution of mankind’s challenges by being good examples wherever they find themselves in society.

Our reason for being

To assist families in shaping accomplished Christians, highly competent and committed to improving the world.

Our beliefs and values

  • We develop a high sense of belonging to the educational community.
  • We help parents to educate their sons.
  • We live a strong Christian identity through Opus Dei’s spirituality.
  • We provide an international, challenging and kind academic environment.
  • We cultivate character formation which fosters the sincere search for truth, pursuit of good, appreciation of beauty, and dealing with emotions.
  • We favor a life full of happiness and joy, committed to helping others.


  • Sense of community
  • Christian identity
  • Collaboration with families
  • International school
  • High academic level
  • Character formation
  • Opus Dei
  • Sense of transcendence
  • Committed life